Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Deles Indah

Deles Indah is a Tourism Object located on the slopes of Mount Merapi feet east ± 25 km from the city of Klaten, Deles village located in Region District Sidorejom Kemalang, with an altitude between 800 m - 1300 m above sea level.
Deles specific atmosphere have the potential landscape of the mountains. Of pure-bred tourist sights can be seen the peak of Merapi with the real views of the city is decorated with a chimney Klaten Sugar Company New gondang & New Ceper company with side by side Rowo Jombor with indah chalk line Mount  Deles Indah view.
But now, since Mount Merapi erupts, beauty is not like the first time in advance. Nearly all tourist attractions, damaged by the disaster.

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