Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Obyek Wisata Mata Air Cokro and Yaquwiyu Tradisional Event

Obyek Wisata Mata Air Cokro (OMAC),  has an area of ​​15,000 m2 ± sidelines once stretched arc that flows from north to south, so that visitors would enter these places to walk the suspension bridge that is precisely the appeal of itself from other tourist objects. OMAC with the natural scenery is cool and beautiful, and also here there is a swimming pool, waterboom, shops and cafes to relax the land for a shady resting place in the shade of large trees and chirping birds. Tourism is very crowded when arriving before the month of fasting Padusan many visitors at this object with the belief that fasting will be smooth without any hitch a day namely (H -2). Object of the existing infrastructure of this tour can be achieved through: - Klaten - Karanganom - Tulung - OMAC - Delanggu - Polanharjo - OMAC - Klaten - Jatinom - Tulung - OMAC - Banyudono - Boyolali - Tulung - OMAC Distance ± 17km towards the north of the city is located Klaten Tulung Clark Village District. Broad area of 15,000 m2 Functions As a place of recreation, and water used for drinking water on the initiative of Kraton Surakarta Sultan Pakubuwono to X.

It is ceremony of giving apem cake as alm that hold at Jatinom, about 12 km north Klaten city. The top of the program at Friday in the middle of Sapar (one of Javanese mounts name) after Sholat Jumat (Friday praying).
More thousands visitors from Klaten city and around this make a devational visit to the grave Ki Ageng Gribig, and at the summit of this about +10 ton apem cake well be seized by the visitors at Oro-oro Tarwiyah. It is named Oro-oro Tarwiyah because one upon a time Ki Ageng Gribig brought a hand full of soil from Mecca (Mekah) and Arafah dessert to be planted at Oro-oro Tarwiyah. And then in front of the mosque and this is the park Sendang Plaweyan.

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